About Dr Debbie Clement-Large
founder of Why follow the Herd

 I’m a Personal Development Coach and course creator with an international reputation who believes in whole-hearted living.  That is what the 'W' and the heart stand for in my logo.  

I believe that everyone has the potential to transform their life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, rewarding and more at peace.  

With so many people feeling lonely (despite their being 7 billion people on the planet), and suffering from anxiety, stress, depression, and feeling less than good enough, so many of us struggle to find happiness in the things around us.  When really we can learn to discover that happiness is really an innate part of our being.  

Having made a huge journey of my own - from dealing with the trauma of my dad’s death after my fifteenth birthday, to losing my confidence and self-esteem, to studying for six years only to find myself in an unfulfilling job, to re-inventing my career several times…  I eventually began working in the arena of corporate change and witnessed first-hand the effect that continuous positive support can have.   So I retrained and qualified as an Advanced Life Coach, a CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) practitioner, a Meditation practitioner, a Mindfulness practitioner, a Stress Management practitioner, a Hypnotherapy practitioner and an Assertiveness Coach. I also undertook Heal your Life teacher training, and I am a licensed Spiritual Psychology Counsellor/Practitioner.  I have a doctorate in Consciousness Studies.

All of this enables me to help people and organisations, to become more emotionally intelligent, to stress less and worry well.   I passionately believe it’s never too late to create positive change and, aided by my own experiences, I’ve been able to guide individuals and organisations to achieve the success they want through one-to-one coaching, learning and development programmes, and also by giving talks and workshops, and speaking on BBC Radio. and Radio Plymouth..  

When you change your thinking you can change your life...  I did it, and so can YOU!      

with love
Debbie CsD, RScP, Dip(s)